NSDR for Improving energy

Feel more energised with this NSDR session

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Get a boost of energy with Non sleep deep rest (NSDR)

NSDR can give you more energy by altering brain chemistry and changing your current mind state. It reduces stress and improves sleep, leading to increased energy levels. Incorporating it into your daily routine can improve overall well-being leading to getting more done with your day.

How to use NSDR to increase energy

1. Get comfortable

Lay or seated, NSDR is good for both. Get comfy and use headphones

2. Listen to the NSDR track

Press play on the NSDR track above and go through the guided breathwork and body scan

3. Enjoy the rest of your day

Come out of your session feeling more rested and energised - ready to tackle the rest of the day

Give your day a boost without the caffeine

Using Non sleep deep rest (NSDR) can be a great way to increase energy levels without the negative side effects associated with caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause jitteriness, anxiety, and insomnia, making it difficult to focus and concentrate. NSDR, on the other hand, is a natural energy booster that helps to increase energy levels in a more sustainable and healthy way.

NSDR can also help improve focus and mental clarity, allowing you to stay alert and productive throughout the day. By using NSDR, you can say goodbye to the jitters and hello to sustained energy and productivity.

Get through the afternoon slump with NSDR

NSDR can help you push through the afternoon slump helping you push on with the rest of the day. Feeling more energized during the day can help increase productivity and focus at work. When we have high energy levels, we are able to think more clearly and make better decisions. Additionally, being more energized can help us handle stress more effectively and stay motivated throughout the day. Non sleep deep rest increases dopamine which can help increase motivation and energy to carry out the tasks you need to do.

NSDR video:

Listen to other NSDR Tracks:

What people are saying about NSDR

Dr. Andrew Huberman - Neuroscientist at Stanford

'..it’s such a powerful tool. It’s a zero-cost tool that has enormous effects on not just accessing sleep and calm, but enhancing rates of neuroplasticity.' Tim Ferris show

Sundar Pichai, Google CEO

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Sundar Pichai mentioned that he uses non-sleep deep as a means of relaxation and unwinding.

"So while I find it difficult to meditate, I can go to YouTube, find an NSDR video. They're available in 10, 20, or 30 minutes, so I do that occasionally."

Frequently asked questions

How to do NSDR?

There's no need to overcomplicate the practice here. Simply lay down somewhere comfortable, or even sitting in a comfy desk chair. Find a free NSDR script, put on some good quality headphones and follow the track. The good thing about these scripts is that unlike meditation, they don't require a whole lot of focus - and this is the point. Trying it out is simple, scroll to the top or head to YouTube/Google.

What can NSDR be used for?

Non sleep deep rest is a behavioural tool that can be used in a range of different ways. Although the name suggests no-sleep - NSDR can be used to help fall asleep faster/get back to sleep. It can also be used to 'supplement' a bad nights sleep. Huberman uses NSDR the morning after a bad nights sleep. During the day, scripts can be used to increase focus and increase energy/motivation. Other forms of NSDR have a wider range of applications. All in all, NSDR doesn't need a specific application and can be used throughout the day.

The science behind NSDR

Two papers in iterations of Cell Reports journal showed that a 20 minute NSDR protocol after an intense period of focused learning accelerates plasticity by 50%. This helps learn faster and the retention of new learnings is stronger. All in all, NSDR has been scientifically shown to accelerate learning.

A study out of Denmark, using brain imaging, showed that a 30 minute NSDR/Yoga Nidra script, increased dopamine resting levels in the brain area called the striatum by 65%. Putting people into a state where they're ready for action when they come out.

When to do NSDR

There's a few key times in the day you can do an NSDR script. Firstly, if you haven't had a good sleep the night before - maybe a couple hours less than usual, it's reported that an NSDR track first thing in the morning can improve the way you're feeling - even considering the rough night. Later on in the day, NSDR tracks have been shown to really help re-grain focus. NSDR tracks increase dopamine, and dopamine can help motivation/focus. Lastly, in the evening is a good time to practice non sleep deep rest. To relax before you head to bed for the evening, or if you're struggling to get off to sleep - or it's taking a while, you can put on an NSDR, do some breathwork and body scanning - and it may do the trick.

Who is Andrew Huberman?

Andrew Huberman, PhD is the creator of the Huberman Lab podcast. He is a neuro scientist and tenured professor in the department of Neurobiology at Stanford University's School of Medicine. Huberman has made significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity. Huberman created the term NSDR and speaks about it frequently on his podcast, citing sources online to listen to NSDR tracks.

What is NSDR.co?

NSDR.co is a site aiming to create an in-depth resource of NSDR tracks, along with other protocols such as Binaural beats and breathwork. There will be zero-cost sources of content available on this website. Stay tuned for more!

More than just for improving energy

NSDR is a powerful tool that can help improve energy levels and overall well-being. Regular practice can help to reduce stress and tension in the body, leading to increased feelings of relaxation and refreshment throughout the day. It also has a positive effect on mental and emotional well-being. Not only that, it can also help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more rested.

Additionally, incorporating Non sleep deep rest into your daily routine can help you to focus better and increase your productivity. Unlike caffeine, which can cause jitteriness and anxiety, NSDR can provide long-lasting energy without the crash. It's a low-cost and accessible tool that anyone can use to improve their overall well-being. By making it a habit, you can start to experience the benefits of increased energy, better sleep and improved focus.